How to remove metadata in photos

Removing the metadata of photos can effectively protect privacy and avoid harming personal whereabouts.

Mar 13, 2024 More articles

As introduced in this article, the metadata of photos, also known as EXIF, contains a lot of shooting information. If photos containing EXIF information are shared without permission, it may lead to privacy issues.

For example, when it comes to GPS information related to geographical location, GPS coordinates may leak the shooting location and expose personal movements. In addition, copyright information and other metadata may trigger copyright disputes.

When sharing images with others, it is best to remove the EXIF information from the photo. ConvertFT provides a tool to delete the EXIF information from the image. Simply upload the image, click the processing button, and download the resulting image.

Support image formats: JPEG/JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, WebP, HELF/HEIC, AVIF

Supported image size: no more than 32MB


The downloaded result image has no private data for EXIF data. You can confidently share the pictures with family and friends, or share them on social media.

convertft file

Removing the metadata of photos can effectively protect privacy

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